Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Return to Canada

Hi all!!!!

First, Thanks for a great season!!!! I appreciate you all so much for training with us!!! I am the luckiest man in the world! It is a true joy watching you improve in ski racing and in life skills. Patients, persistence, hard work, focus, positive attitude, and respectfulness! Keys to success in anything.

I guess some of you may have a few races left in April? After those are finished it is good to take a little time off to unwind after a long season. After that, perhaps starting in May it is time to start preparation for next season. I have never seen or met a fast ski racer that is not fast and strong. So it should be your goal to be faster and stronger! No matter what level you are at. Spring is a great time to improve your body's endurance. If you look on line there are many ways to do this. What age you are is a factor to how high you want your heart at during the training.

Good luck and work hard! I want to see all of you stronger for next season. If you improve your physical fitness you WILL have a successful 2016 2017 season!

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Last day update!

Thanks for the great season!

It was challenging at times because of lack of snow, but many teams worked together and were able to achieve a lot!

Please work over the summer to improve your foot speed and strength. All fast ski racers are fast and strong!

Bye for now.

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Last Day of GS

Another awesome spring day!

We trained with Sports Unity again today. It has been great this week! A good joint effort!

I really like how everyone is preparing before the start. Much better imagery preparation! Nice work!

I have noticed at the finish line most racers are skiing way to high of a line. 3 gates before the finish line you should be going as low as possible! Barely get past the last gate!

SL tomorrow! The weather looks to be good! A nice way to finish the season!

Friday, April 01, 2016

April 1 Update

Hi from Sugadaira,

We had a great day of training on Grand Prix at Omatsu Yama today. GS! There was a roll at the bottom of the GS set that made our training challenging. It was good to have the experience of turning while going over a bump though. Many stood up with arms out, going over it and ended up on the tails of their skis. A few were able to press their arms and upper body's forward maintaining center balance on the ski. Great job!

An important preparation point is at the start. I have noticed many racers just go in to the start after talking with their friends and start their run. No mental rehearsal of their run. It is vital to take time to see your desired performance before you start. Please take time to close your eyes and play a movie in your mind of the line you will ski and the powerful, clean, fast turns you will perform on that line. Be Prepared in as many ways as you can.

Bye for now!